YEAR 2008
Artistic Club Culturare CalderArte- Calderara (Bologna)

Exhibition "Renato Giorgi" - Sasso Marconi (Bologna)

YEAR 1992
Museum Ken Damy- Brescia ( collection)
“Illusion, delusion, disillusion” With Collection Part Three I go back
to a proven interesting initiative, widely demonstrated by the visitors
of the previous editions. The idea is simple (thanks to the large
expositive space of the museum that would not enable exhibiting a
personal anthology to anyone) comparing 6 (or 7 or 14) different artists
with personal exhibitions choosing a certain theme to offer visitors a (simultaneous)
“passing” vision for style and aesthetic connotations… I invited three
Italian and three foreign authors to strengthen more and more the
opportunities of analyzing and comparing new international photography.
Invited artists: David Crosby (USA)
Marilena De Angelis (Italy)
Junichi Ohono (Japan)
Eleonora Olivetti (Italy)
Thomas Rusch (Germany)
Loredana Spimpolo (Italy)
Penetrating the inner world is incredibly hard – on
the other hand I do not think that penetrating male world is any easier.
What’s more, each subject is an island that from time to time casts off
moorings and hoists the sails towards the closest more attractive island;
other times such an island lets land shells in danger of shipwreck or
sailing towards fascinating bewitchments.
Where women’s illusions, delusions and disillusions derive from is a
subject that could entertain us forever without ever solving the core
issue. Few have understood it all, know and solved everything… in books
and newspapers’ paper, in solid TV boxes.
I am quite sure that delusions and disillusions follow illusions, but I
do not know why the embryo itself is created.
We have been taught to believe in values that for our mothers were
already wrecked. If anything, such values had been created as a trick of
society that had been learned by their own mothers, who already…, etc.
And I find myself in this dramatic attempt to penetrate the illusions,
delusions, disillusions of a woman and cannot enter the system of her
personal electronic calculator.
It is not my system, nor my program. I am not her mother, nor her
daughter, I am not the people she met throughout her life so far, nor
those she will meet in the future – I am just an island that has cast
off moorings towards her and/or allowed landing.
There, under everybody’s eyes, lie her anxieties, fears, open eyes
nightmares, experiences, traumas - or maybe mental constructions of
unease with no place and no name.
Art or, in any case, any artistic expression is egoism.
The artist is the smartest cheat with legal license of cosmic trickery.
In fact, the sly individual, to whom we issued the license to deceive,
wants to explain, tell, investigate, make us understand, explore, is in
truth addressed to herself.
Thanks to our connivance the artist dignifies a common instinct into
social good. This is why I look at these women – the woman - by Marilena
and understand what she wants to communicate. This woman who should
reach a given condition should then represent me too and not identify my
in analogical superimposition. It moves, blindfolded with a scarf that
cancels its facial traits, in an environment made of indifference; it
falls down from a building; she is bridled to a sterile soil; in a cruel
game of “blindman’s bluff” it is a powerless and manipulated trunk. The
other women do not even notice that she exists; yet sweet and seraphic
young girls observe her body carried away by the waters of a creek
without curiosity.
I believe it is not possible to stage anything more desperate, with an
endless and careless desperation about women, and with such visual
Rosamilia Photogallery - Castel San Giorgio

YEAR 1991
Sala Laurana del Palazzo Ducale - Pesaro (collettiva itinerante) Ora serrata retinae

Simonetta Romagna, Councillor for Culture and Women Conditions of the
Municipality of Pesaro:
… Presenting the works of the seven authors (J.Tenesson - G.Traverso
- L.Gilardoni C.Marler - L.Butler - B.Jackse - M. De Angelis) of
different origin and cultural background, but who share a common
determination of linguistic and formal research ad experimentation, we
have proposed a “feminine” exhibition representing and testifying the
relationship between women as authors and photography itself. Their
poetics and the concepts expressed through their works originate
entangled with linguistic experimentation, leading them to employ
unusual techniques and overtaking codified forms. This catalogue,
entirely dedicated to the artists, is integrated with two contributions:
“Ora serrata retinae” and “La scrittura e lo sguardo”, both dealing with
photography and inserting it in the most recent aesthetic, sociologic
and philosophical discussion...
YEAR 1987
Ken Damy Gallery- Brescia (personal exhibition)
“l’Ariete” - Bologna (personal exhibition))
Extract from the newspaper “Il Resto del Carlino” May
29, 1987
… on the psychoanalyst’s sofa Marilena De Angelis talks about herself.
She tells us of her own imaginary by means of a considerable amount of
overcrowded collages, as if pushed by a narrative urgency, trying to
highlight inner opposite strengths, in a hypothetic escape from
existential anxieties…